Emoji Kitchen Receives a Themed Update for Year of the Tiger
Emoji Kitchen is one of the projects that deliver lots of fun out of nothing. Emoji are nearly as old as the Internet itself, but the idea of mixing them together like in Alchemy turned out so unexpected and so fruitful that Emoji Kitchen flourishes even despite limited access within Gboard by Google. Now it receives some new features to celebrate the Year of the Tiger.
If you have never heard of Emoji Kitchen, it’s a highly entertaining project that allows you to create new emojis by blending any two of them that have at least something in common. For example, mixing facial expressions is possible in any combination, but mixing faces with items is limited. The results are unpredictable and often fun. Along with the official site, Emoji Kitchen is available as a part of Gboard, a widely popular Android keyboard by Google.
As the Year of the Tiger starts, Google adds nice and cute tiger faces on the keyboard. Now you can mash them up with any other emoji, making anthropomorphic tigers, crowned tigers, smiling or angry tigers, and even flying tigers! This addition is welcomed by most users, not only by those who traditionally celebrate Lunar New Year. And not only because these tigers are so much cuter than real ones.
One of the reasons is that adding new characters and items to Emoji Kitchen is harder than just introducing new emoji. That’s why there are fewer new options added each day, and every update is received with joy. Gboard is available for free on Google Play; alas, there is no Gboard for iOS, so iPhone users have to either use the website or switch.
Have you already played with Emoji Kitchen? How do you like it? Does it work well with Gboard? How did the recipients like the cooked emoji? And what do you think about these striped cuties of the year? Please leave a comment if you wish!