Instagram Adds More Response Options to Polls in Stories
When you create an Instagram story, there is a Poll option among stickers. Usually, a poll offered two options to choose from. But in the recent update, Instagram will let users create polls with three or even four options. According to the company, this step will maximize the involvement of users when brand managers or influencers try to reach them.
As you create a story and open the sticker menu, you may see a notification at the “Poll” sticker saying that it has been updated. If you select this option after that, you will see options in a column, not a row of two like it was before. Initially, it offers you the minimum number of two options, but you can add another and then one more if necessary. They will appear in your story exactly like this, one under another. There will be one more opportunity: the creator can change the text of any option, to make them more distinct from each other.
What’s the difference between a poll and a quiz, as a quiz also supports up to four options and looks almost the same? The primary difference is that in a quiz, there is always the correct version, and the rest are incorrect. This distorts the response: people try to guess which option is right, instead of selecting the one that expresses their own views or feelings. If their guessing appears wrong, they leave with a feeling of disappointment. A four-option poll does not offer this division: there are no correct or incorrect versions, there is only the one you choose and the others.
Though the update has leaked out days ago, not all users have received it yet. And don’t worry if you don’t see it tomorrow. It takes time for Instagram to reach all its users and update its services with new features.
Are you an active story maker on Instagram? Do you often create polls, and have you ever felt two options aren’t enough? Has your app updated and received the new feature? Let’s tell about our cases in the comments!