League of Legends to Get Three New Champions
League of Legends continues to develop new content for its players. Along with the champion announced recently, named Zeri, it hints that more new champions are to appear in the game soon. And they will belong to different classes and shine with diverse abilities, changing the balance almost completely.
The first of the champions to come is support, Enchanter-style. Unlike other supports, though, this one will be darker and emanate more danger, which will show in both the design and the behavior. The leak has it that the champion is a shadowy boss type who pulls the strings from the dark. The only visual bit of information by Riot is a hand in white and pink, touching someone’s shoulder. Sounds at least amusing.
The second one up the Riot’s sleeve is a jungler, and that’s all we know about this mysterious figure. All we have to build our guesses upon is an interview by a producer in charge of champions, Ryan Mireles. The figure he mentioned was talking about some queen and some mysterious purple city – and that’s it.
Finally, the third of the upcoming champions (assuming there are just three) is the most mysterious. All that Mireles says is that this champion will appear later this year, and it will be a tradition-breaking one. The rest is yet to appear, to leak out, or to be announced.
No one is ready to tell, though, when exactly these champions will be available. Riot does its best now to make the game well-balanced and playable, and at the same time, it pays attention to the lore, especially after the success of Arcane. The publisher will rather delay the update than releasing it half-ready, Mireles says. And though we appreciate this approach, it still can’t satisfy our curiosity.
What do you think about the updates? And about the direction, LoL is taking now? If you have something to say, feel free to express yourself in the comments!