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A Unique Guide: How to Repost Intelligently on Instagram for Maximum Reach

Austin Dean 22 Jan 2023

Instagram is a great platform for building an engaged audience and showcasing your business. Do you love interacting with other people's posts? Do you often want to share them with your followers? If so, reposting content on Instagram is the best way to do so! Whether it's a photo, video, or story, there are several ways to repost content on Instagram and make sure your followers see it. But it can be hard to figure out how to repost content from other sources and give credit without breaking any rules or guidelines. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about smartly reposting content on Instagram for maximum reach.

Step 1: Get permission before reposting

Before you start reposting content from other sources, it's important to get permission first. If the post was made by another user, contact them directly and ask permission before sharing anything with your followers. Even if someone has shared something publicly, they still have the right to decide whether to share their images with others outside of their network. It's always best to be cautious when it comes to copyright and intellectual property rights; this means giving credit and making sure no one else's work is used without their consent.

Step 2: Use tools to automatically credit sources

Fortunately, there are now many tools that make it easy for users to repost content while automatically crediting the source! Popular tools like Later (formerly known as "Latergramme") and Repostly allow users to quickly upload images from anywhere on the web and add captions with links to the source so that all posts are properly rated according to the original creators or owners of the image/content in question! This allows all participants to get what they deserve without having to worry about legal issues related to copyright infringement in the digital space - always remember: just because something is posted online doesn't mean you can use it without permission!

Step 3: Flag the source whenever possible

In addition to using the automated tools mentioned above, another great way to give credit is to tag the original source(s) in the post itself whenever possible - this helps ensure maximum visibility for both parties, as tagging someone in the post increases the chances that they will see what you shared and will likely re-share it themselves (which can lead to even more engagement)! Just make sure the tags are accurate; there's nothing worse than trying to tag the wrong person and getting nothing but potential backlash.

Step 4: Add your own unique comments to reposts

While attributing an image back to its original creator is a necessary part of the process when reposting Instagram content, it's also important to add your own unique comment to stand out from the crowd - don't just copy the caption verbatim so people pay attention to the post and not just skip it because they didn't think to make it interesting! Try different combinations of hashtags related to topic words, encourage discussion between followers, and engage them even more by creating conversations around the topics you care most about! Also, adding a unique spin can help differentiate your brand from competitors who create clutter in the feed - especially those who don't take the time to attribute properly.

How to repost photos from Feed/Story to your feed

Reposting photos from another user's feed/story to your feed can be done in just a few simple steps. First, open the post you want to repost and click on the arrow icon located in the lower right corner of the screen. Then select the "Share as Post" option and choose whether you want to share the post in your feed or your story, or both (if applicable). Once selected, add any additional comments and then click "Share," and voila! You've successfully shared someone else's post to your account!

photos from Feed/Story

How to repost an Instagram story in which you weren't tagged

If someone hasn't tagged himself/herself but still wants others to see his/her stories, he/she can enable sharing options by going to Settings > Privacy > Stories > Sharing Options > Allow sharing and add my name tag so others can share my stories on their accounts and pages Note that only non-private accounts are eligible for these sharing options, allowing them to access a wider audience around the world.

How to repost an Instagram video to your story

Sharing other users' videos couldn't be easier than what we've already described above, i.e., open the desired video → click the "share" icon → add the necessary caption text → select either add this video (for personal use) or share with friends (for group viewing). Before selecting the "Complete" step, make sure that the selected clip is the latest version, as some users often update their videos for various reasons, such as changing the songs in the videos, etc.

How to repost an Instagram video

How to repost an Insta clip without recording the screen

It may seem complicated, but it's actually not that complicated - all you have to do is first download a third-party app called "Reposta," which allows you to save any videos using the built-in functionality rather than taking screenshots manually every time the same video reappears somewhere online. After downloading the app, start it immediately → log in to the desired account of the person who owns the original clip you want to download → find the particular clip among the many others listed on the page → click the save button next to the corresponding list view item. Once you're done, don't forget to include a link to the frequently used source, mentioning the name of the user responsible for creating this content somewhere in the descriptions accompanying the saved media files. Otherwise, you risk being accused of copyright infringement.

Instagram Apps For the Smartest Way Of Sharing Content Easily Across Platforms 

In addition to the aforementioned methods that work alongside the web tools offered directly on the official site, there are also many third-party apps to help spread the word even faster and more efficiently. The list of the four biggest names currently ruling the market consists of the following names, respectively; 

  • InsTake;
  • Repost For Instagram; 
  • Regrann; 
  • DownloadGram; 
  • Reels Repost for Instagram;

I hope you found reading useful today. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.